About us
who we are
Our vision at Perth Building Broker was to design individual, unique & custom homes. For that, we needed a team of specific professionals all working together. We brought together an in-house team that includes an experienced skilled registered builder, a building designer with a Masters of Architecture, and a qualified engineer. Our aim was to create this amazing team that can do it all, but more importantly; do it all at a heavily subsidised cost. This is so the client can have all the answers and prices before they sign with a building company.
We found that after decades of working in the industry with small boutique building companies right through to very large building companies, the same problem always existed: the builder could never fix the price, and variations or unexpected costs blew the budget. Once you sign up the builders don’t really care if this happens to you as you are locked in. We are here to fix this!
If you walk through 100 display homes in Perth not one of these displays includes what you see and always has a long list of items that are not fixed and not included in the price. As a purchaser, you had no option but to sign with a builder and then wait until you finished your prestart, received all your site costs, and selected all your finishes before you actually found out what you would be paying.
We have created the perfect system, have the best team of professionals all working together. We can truly design an amazing custom home or even a cost-effective development and fix the price before you even think about signing with any builder. We are Perth Builder Broker!

PBB will take the hassle out of building. Matt and his team take on your ideas, needs, wants and must haves when designing your unique home. Step by step you can expect PBB to be with you all the way!

Sounds too good to be true? Believe me it's not.

Case study
This case study relates to a knock down and rebuild of an amazing custom home project completed in a Perth coastal suburb.
This double story home with a huge undercroft garage and upstairs living area is not too far from the beach and the clients are very happy with the outcome. The difference between the highest quote and the lowest quote was $235,000. The price we received from the lowest quote at tender saved the clients a large sum of money.
The specific site was heavily sloping so our registered builder organised the knock down, retaining, site levelling and swimming pool to be put in place before going to the builder. The reason for this is; builders are notorious for putting huge markups on these services. Therefore, in reality we saved this customer far more than difference in the builders price shown below.
The build was a luxury 2 storey house with high quality finishes all chosen with the help of our team. We sent the exact same detailed documentation to every builder so we are comparing 100% like for like.
23% saving of $236,000
There are a few reasons why builders have different prices but two main points that stand out are:
- Timing of the particular project based on the builders work load at the time.
If a builder has plenty of work in their system at the time of the tender this seems to be reflected in the pricing compared to a builder that is actively looking for a project to win at tender time.
- The location of the project from a management/supervision point of view.
If a builder has other projects in a similar location as the tender address this tends to help the tender price. The coordinating of trades, delivery’s and site supervision are important and the time spent driving from one side of the city to the other is costly and not productive for builders so they show interest in securing a great job in the preferred location.
our process
Step 1
Initial concept meeting
PBB will discuss the design, style of your home, lifestyle, budget and finance. We will walk you through a full design brief for a truly unique home
Step 2
Site inspection and assessment
Our team will visit the site for a full site inspection and meet with local council before designing your concept drawings.
Step 3
Feature survey and custom design
We will order a feature/contour survey then produce full detailed working drawings including 3D colour images.
Step 4
Development application planning drawings
Development application will be submitted to council. All correspondence until approved will be handled by PBB.
Step 5
Interior/exterior design and addenda
Our interior designer will help you select every fitting and fixture in the build to help form a detailed addenda to ensure a fixed price from the builders.
Step 6
Engineers drawings including soil and wind rating reports
To further ensure a fixed low price; full detailed engineers structural drawings ,wind and soil reports are completed
Step 7
Energy efficiency compliance report
The final item required to fix the price is this report, it guarantees every window and insulation requirements are to code before moving to tender.
Step 8
Certified building application
Our building surveyors certify the entire application before we send to tender. This means the winning builder can start building on site with 10 working days.
Step 9
Now it is time to go to tender
Final builders are selected for tender and are issued full documentation. Perth Building Broker will negotiate the best price and report back to you for your decision.
Step 10
Interview short list of builders
The best builders are then interviewed by PPB with the owner. Building sites are inspected and previous clients spoken to before signing contract with winning builder
Step 11
Under construction
PBB‘s registered builder will inspect the build at every progress payment stage and report back to you to advise items claimed for payment are completed
Step 12
Time to celebrate and move in
Once completed on site and the home is handed over, PPB will meet on site with the owner, a professional photographer and a cold bottle of champagne, time to celebrate!